Monday, May 21, 2012

'The Hunger' makes me even hungrier

Okay, this is a day late, and hopefully it won't be a dollar short.  I'm working like hell trying to get Bittermint done, but like everything else it just gets bigger the more I pound at it.
A while back I bought a trade paperback based solely on the cool cover, which had a very creepy image of a man's distorted face.  It was a collections of short stories by a guy I had never heard of, David Nickle.  I went through the book in less than a week, which with the time I have to read is damn fast.  I then had a new author to watch.
These days I'm watching the TV series 'The Hunger' when I get a chance, and the other night I saw a familiar name in the selection, 'The Sloan Men.'  Sure enough, the opening credits marked it as based on Nickle's work.  I got to meet Mr. Nickle earlier at Horror Con, and I shook his hand and thanked him for writing the book.  Seeing his name and his story gave me one more little tangible reminder that writers do actually get published, and sometimes their stories do get picked up to make TV shows and movies.  I'll have to admit that the number of my stories that would be suitable even for cable might be a bit slim, but I'm not done writing yet.
Comic Palooza is coming up this weekend!  Yay!!

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