Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Still here, and still -

Short update, because I'm writing this as I'm prepping to head up to Dallas for Project A-Kon. Claudia has expanded her business, teaming up with a friend of hers who is also an artist, and founded LuxWyrks. Lots of new stuff, including postcards with swearing fairies. So if you're up there this weekend, stop by the booth in the Artist Alley and say hello!
Last entry detailed my first shot at sending Roja to an agent, and since you haven't heard me singing (wherever you happen to be) then you've probably realized that fame and fortune haven't yet found their way to my door. That first agent declined, as did the second. So as I'm packing, I'm also taking the draft of my next pitch to work on, and I've already got the agent selected.
Still writing.