Sunday, December 1, 2013

Today's lesson: Goats Don't Grow On Trees

Sorry about not posting last weekend. I was working on In The Dark, and because I'm the head of the safety committee where I work, I also had to put together an action plan for next year. All part of making sure no one gets killed which is something I do believe in, despite rumors to the contrary.
As opposed to my writing, where people regularly get killed. Speaking of which (writing, not killing), I'm at that point on In The Dark where the going is slow and grinding. All those little bits where I just wrote disconnected action sequences? Well, now I have to not only fill in all the bits between them, the whole thing has to make sense! I forget who said it, but the adage of 'Books aren't written, they're rewritten,' has proved itself twice in a row now. I really think it takes more work the second time around.
Oh, the title of the post? My wife has a sense of humor something like mine. I frequently tell people that I just don't have a sense of humor at all, especially at work. That's because at work I'm usually focused on something, and because I work in a warehouse environment, that something is often the sort that can get you seriously hurt. So I don't let my mind wander.
But I do have something that I call a sense of humor. Today my wife and I were out and about, and we saw some people begging on the side of the road. We both sometimes give money to people in need, but only when we don't feel like we're being taken advantage of, and this time we didn't give. But we did start talking about it, and I started putting different scenarios to her, trying to find the point that she would part with her money. I got to where the hypothetical beggars were kids in a school band, and one of them was out on the median, in a kilt and playing a set of bagpipes. Then, she admitted, she would contribute. “Because goats don't grow on trees.” Makes perfect sense, right?
Still writing.

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