Monday, August 20, 2012

You and me verses everyone else

I like horror. That probably doesn't come as a shock to you, but I need to start this piece with that fact.
I like reading it, watching it, talking about it, and boy do I enjoy writing it. I like good action, Sci Fi, and an occasional mystery, too. But that cold shiver that tickles all the nerve endings at once is my bread and butter, and my meat and potatoes. It's the syrup on my pancakes.
The other day I had an encounter that felt like a recurring dream. I've had it before, and I'll probably have it again. Each time I have it, I expect to get the same part of my brain 'pinged.'
Someone said to me, 'I don't read horror.' I nodded, and life went on. A few people who know me know that sometimes it takes me a little while to fully process the personal stuff.
About ninety-nine percent of the time, it isn't that it's said, it's the way that it's said. Like it's a claim of territory, or the way a recovering alcoholic will mention they don't drink any more. Most of the time, they don't say that they don't like it, or that they prefer something else, or that they've never read/seen anything that was worth their time. They say it, in my humble opinion, like they're better than that.
I've heard that same feeling expressed elsewhere. I think it was at a convention that I overheard someone saying that the reason Rachel Weisz didn't do the third mummy movie was because she felt she 'didn't have to do those kinds of films any more.' Note that this is the same feeling, coming from the other side of the fence. As true believers, (My apologies to Stan Lee) we feel that we have the good stuff, and all those other fools are living in ignorance. Now, I conducted extensive research to find out if Ms. Weisz actually said that, but IMDB and Yahoo Answers both denied it. With no definitive evidence, what do we believe? What we want to believe.
I don't read or watch romance, tear-jerkers, or comedy. I have watched each of these in the past, and ended up wanting my hour and a half back, and usually my money too. This is not the same thing as saying these genres are 'beneath' me, though. I don't get anything out of them, so I don't invest time in them.
I've heard some of the other genres talked about in the same way, too. Science fiction and fantasy often get lumped in with horror, as in 'I don't watch that stuff.' An odd attitude.
This post is a bit of a ramble, but there's nothing wrong with that. This is me thinking at my keyboard the way some people talk to their pets. But unlike Spot, the keyboard, and you, will remind me about this again someday, and we'll continue the discussion.
One last note, I have to think up some really horrible story to tell me wife. She bought a box of mint chocolate pocky the other day, and those damn things are evil. (and gone)
Still writing, obviously.

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