Monday, June 4, 2012

Back from Project A-kon

Once again this is a day late, but I have a better excuse this time.  Yesterday I worked Claudia's booth at A-kon, as I had for the whole weekend, then I packed up the display and stock in the van she had rented, kissed her good-bye, and then drove all the way back to Houston because I had to go to work today.  When I got home last night it was nearly one in the morning, and while due to my insomnia that's not usually late for me, at that point I could still feel the vibration of the road in my bones and whenever I closed my eyes I could still see the lane dividers whipping past me.
A-kon always is a lot of fun, and this time was no exception.  There were all kinds of costumes, including a Catwoman who meowed and batted at one of the cat toys in the booth, the same two 'mushroom people' that I've seen nearly every year, and some REALLY good Sith characters.  I got to bare my general ignorance when I failed to know who a girl was talking about when she came to the booth looking for a crown so she could complete her Princess Peach costume, and I got to use my favorite elevator line.  We stayed in the Marriot, connected to the convention center, and there was always a long wait for an elevator.  When I finally got in one, I would always wait until the doors closed, and then look around and say, "Okay, who's seen the movie, 'Devil'?"  Boy I wish I had gotten pictures of some of the looks on the other people's faces.
Now that I'm back, I'm pounding on rewriting Roja.  Because I started it so long ago, and then put it on hold, it has some major cracks in the overall framework, and those are what I need to address first.  The story I'm working on, 'Blood, is drawing down too.  I was able to get a bit of it written while in Dallas, but after being a filthy salesman all day, (No joke.  That's what I call myself to half the people I would talk to) I would usually just come back to the hotel room and read 'Battle Royale' for a while until I crashed.  It's good, and reading it makes some parts of the movie make a bit more sense.
Still writing.

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