Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself.

So who am I?  Well, what would you like to know?  I'm a writer who still has his day job, for a start, and what I'm focusing on right now is getting some short stories published while finishing my first book.  So far I've appeared in Absent Willow Review, ( winning their editor's choice award with 'Roaming' and getting my first paid sale.  Another of my stories, Trolls, tied for third place in the Fen Con VI short story contest.
I go to a lot of conventions, hitting FenCon, ConDFW, and A-Kon regularly.  This year World Horror Con will be in Austin, and I'm really looking forward to it.  While at cons I'm usually working at my wife's booth (Pan-gaia Designs) in the dealer's room when I'm not at panels.  If you're at one of the conventions, by all means stop by and say hello.
As you might have guessed, in addition to writing horror, I'm a big fan.  Mostly books and movies, but sometimes I'll find a painting, photo, or poem that touches the same nerve.  I read King, Matheson, Lovecraft, Poe, and am constantly picking up books by people I have never heard of before. 
I listen to old metal songs that remind me of the 80's, and new pop that makes me smile.  I'm a gamer, a veteran, and I've been told by more than one friend, usually in an exasperated tone while they're in the passenger seat, that I drive like a little old lady.
What I plan on doing here is talking about the stories I'm writing, have written, stuff by other writers that I recommend, and pretty much whatever else I feel needs to be said, in that order.  This is going to be where I talk to you, people who I feel the need to comment on, and myself.  I'll give you as much as I feel might pique your interest and not send you running away screaming.


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