Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to dance

For the first few days after I sent Roja in, I was in this weird state of, 'okay, now what do I do?' Working on short stories after doing a book feels like a step back. I keep wanting to dive nosefirst into the next one. Of course, bitter experience has shown me that's one of the best ways to foul something up.
So I started on one that's a little different. It's not horror, or even science fiction. It might have its roots in the months that I spent down in Panama when I was in the Marine Corps, or it may just have been lodged in a loose stitch in my little bag of nightmares. Sometimes I get a stray beat in my heat that won't go away, the kind that you find yourself tapping your foot to when you're not paying attention. At some point, I could see a man dancing to that beat, and the audience clapping it in time. This guy can move like few human beings have ever been able to move, and people love him for it. Then I saw something really bloody happen, right there on the stage.
On a different note, my wife took me to see Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters today. It was a good fun, but more like an action movie than I thought it would be. It reminded me a lot of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, only without the historical connections. That gave it a lot more room to play around with themes that it wouldn't normally have. It was fun.
Still writing, only right now it feels like dancing.

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