Monday, July 18, 2011

"This is getting better by the minute" - Predator

So now I read that Borders is going mammaries skyward.  I was originally going to title this entry 'Now what?', a quote from the movie Deep Rising, which is one of my wife and my favorite movies.  It's said nearly a dozen times in the film, just as things are about to get worse.
I can rationalize it to say that in the end, this is good for the industry.  If Border's couldn't make it out here in the real world, then it needs to evolve, or go extinct.  Natural laws have no pity. (You can look that one up)
But of course, those same laws apply to me, and I have no desire to go extinct.  Forgive me for sounding cannibalistic, but this means that the distribution portion of the market for the stuff I and all my fellow writers produce is now that much smaller, so now there are a lot more of us on a very small island looking at the same, solitary can of beans, and each other.  That's the trick about writer's groups and making friends at conventions:  Unless you don't write fiction, the people you're smiling at and talking to are your competition.  Back when I trained more actively, my sensei and I were having a discussion about all the end-of-the-world scenarios that were being tossed around, and the subject of food came up.  He said, "I'm never gonna starve.  There are too many steaks walking around on two legs."
That said, I'm going to get back to my writing.

By the way, how fast can you walk, or run?

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