Monday, August 27, 2012

Finish the blasted thing

Normally, I try to be writing one thing, and rewriting another. That way, when my brain freezes on one story, I can just switch over to the other one and pretend the first problem doesn't exist. Then a day or so later, I can say to myself, 'Oh yeah, I need to get this piece finished too. Let's see where I stopped. Oooo, I know what happens next.' I stole the idea from a character in The Midwich Cuckoos.
Walking away really helps. I used to work on each story really intent on finishing it, until I got the next idea. That idea would seem like the coolest thing that ever existed, and I would put the first piece aside, just for a little while, I promised myself. Then I would pound away on the new one, until I got another idea. It was only when I applied some self-control to how I wrote that I started finishing things, and being able to send them out.
These days there are even more distractions. I write, read, play Wow, maintain some semblance of being a social animal, and keep up this blog. Just sitting down at the computer tempts me to go look up all the trillions of things that I want to know, articles that I've heard of, seeing what crazy new list Cracked dot com has put up, and googling my own name. Anytime you feel like wasting time, the opportunity is there.
But the whole reason I write this blog, or look up what new markets are taking submissions, or any damn thing else, is to write. I want to get to that point where I get up in the morning, having slept till I'm done, and climb up the stairs to sit right where I am now and start making worlds, again.
That's the point.
By the way, all you ID thieves out there? When I can, I'm coming after you, with a rusty speculum.

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