Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year, with plague

So the new year is here, and I'm starting it off with a cold.  We had some friends over for our new years eve party, and I suspect that one of them passed what feels like Black Death over to me.  Of course, we can't start the year off by calling in sick, can we?
The game module is coming along, and I wonder if there's not a short story or a bit of flash fiction that could be made from it.  Something small and tasty, like peppermint and belladonna.
I stayed up way too late last night, and it's all Jim Butcher's fault.  My wife is a devoted fan of the Dresden Files series, and one of our friends is one of the people who proofreads the comic book series, looking for those moments when the writers describe a characters eyes as blue when just a few books ago some other writer said they were green. (enthusiastic readers will know how important those people are.  The magic cracks just a little when all the ley-lines don't cross in the right places) I watched the TV series, and reading the first book makes me realize just how different the TV character is from the one in the books.  The TV Dresden seemed a little too deliberately weak for me to really empathize with.
I don't go for New Year's resolutions, but I do plan to start exercising more.
Still writing.